
William Graham

Lestle Wilber Newcomer

Gale Moss

Isador Mulk


William L. Graham

Born Jan. 26, 1911 in El Dorado, KS, William L. Graham grew up to become a successful businessman, oil producer, and entrepreneur.

Attending local schools, he graduated from El Dorado Junior College in 1932.

Already successful in real estate, Graham entered the oil business, making millions. He also added banking and property investments to his list of accomplishments.

Noting the desperate living conditions in other parts of the globe, Graham turned his attention to an attempt to introduce capitalism to third-world countries.

In the 1940s, he built and lived in the only Dymaxion house to ever have been built, now on exhibit in the Henry Ford museum. Designed by Buckminster Fuller, the house made of aluminum and Plexiglas was planned as an answer to the post World War II housing shortage.

Among honors earned by Graham were KIOGA’s Oil Man of the Year in 1957, the Brotherhood Award of 1958 awarded by the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and induction into the Wichita Business Hall of Fame in 1997.

Gale Moss

Gale Moss, an attorney who served as State Highway Director, General Manager of the Kansas Turnpike, and Kansas State Highway Commissioner, was born June 27, 1906 in Indian Territory, OK. His parents moved to El Dorado, KS during Butler County’s oil boom.

After attending El Dorado Junior College and Washburn University, he practiced law in El Dorado, KS. He enlisted in the U. S. Army in 1942, during World War II.

Moss played a major part in planning the Kansas Turnpike, including handling all the financing. He came as near as any one man could to “building” that superhighway.

Following a return to his law practice, Moss was called in by the Governor Robert Docking as a consultant and later filled the post of State Highway Commissioner for the Fifth highway division.

The Kansas State Highway Commission awarded Moss a plaque listing his accomplishments during his years working with the state highway program. A memorial honoring his work is located at the Towanda service area of the turnpike, part of the Flint hills Tourism Regional Memorial Garden.

Isador Molk

Independent oil producer, published author, ordained Rabbi, philosopher, and philanthropist, Isador Molk was born March 5, 1893 in Lithuania.

Seeking freedom from persecution, he left his home at age 13 to immigrate to the U.S. He succeeded in attaining a formal education in spite of hardships and privation, working his way through college.

After graduating from Valparaiso University in Indiana, Molk came to El Dorado, Kansas in 1917 to learn the oil business.

From meager beginnings in the junk business, engaging in dealing used pipe and supplies, he formed the Cosmic Oil & Gas Co., and later formed the Molk Petroleum Co. Persistence and shrewdness in seeking out areas that would respond favorably to his drilling methods – areas often given up on by other drillers – brought him great success and wealth over time.

In 1970, the Molk endowment was established at Butler County College, a fund that still today provides many students with scholastic scholarships.

Lestle Wilber “L.W.” Newcomer

L. W. Newcomer, civil engineer who headed up the building of the Kansas Turnpike, was born Nov. 23, 1901 in Alexander, KS. He attended the Kansas State Agricultural College in Manhattan, KS, earning degrees in science and in civil engineering.

Coming to El Dorado, KS in 1925, he became the Butler County Engineer, managing CWA, WPA and PWA projects during the Depression years. During World War II, he commanded a Seabee unit seeing action on various islands in the Pacific theater.

Asked to join the Kansas Turnpike Authority, he became chief engineer and manager of the project, establishing a new record of efficiency in major road construction that was to inspire others world-wide.

As president of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, he demonstrated international leadership in the design and construction of major highways.

Recipient of numerous awards of commendation, including medals from the Italian government and Pope Paul VI; listed in Who’s Who in America.



